Saturday 25 October 2014

Good Mark's Study Guides App

The Good mark’s Study guides is a company which offers different study guides and concept cards. It also has mobile apps for both IPhone and Android users. You can download them in google play store for free. Different apps available are Good Marks’s study guide Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, GMAT Quantitative, 150 Key Business Questions. They have summaries of key theories, concepts and basic formulae.

            When you open the app, there are options like View Cards where you can navigate through the cards one by one. The other option is Topic Index, where you can choose the specific topic and then go through the cards. There is also a ‘how to use’ button which is a self-help for using this app. The navigation is pretty comfortable and simple to use.

         There are several concepts covered in these apps. For example, in Macroeconomics app, you can find the basics of Macroeconomics, Business cycles,  Current account balance, Deflation, Exchange rates, Fiscal policy, Inflation rates, GDP Accounting, International trade, Monetary policy, Productivity, PPP, Savings & Investment, Trade Balance, Unemployment and so on.  It gives an overall idea and knowledge of the subject.

             Though this may not be very satisfiable for those who look for practical studies,this option is very useful for students and beginners to keep in touch with the basic concepts.It is like a pocket dictionary for reference.

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