Monday, 25 June 2018


All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time plays their parts
-          William Shakespeare

We all have different roles to perform in our lives. A son, brother, friend, husband, colleague, superior officer and so on… But have you ever thought about this; that every person you meet in your life may not have the same view as you? And so exists a thousand versions of you.

We may have a character defined for our self and think that we are projecting the same to others. But since the receptors are different, perceptions also change. Each of them may perceive you differently based on the situations, purpose, and words. People judge you as what they are and not what as you are. Like they say “Your perception is not always the reality”.

It’s not about the communication skills that I am trying to make a point here. We all communicate to express our views and opinions. That will be reached exactly to the other person. But the version and perception of you formed in that particular situation will be different for different people in the same room.  Because people add up their own ideas also to create a newer you in their minds.

This thought that there is never a single version of us existing has given me a different view of myself. It’s an exciting thought on one side but on the other side, I feel it has something to ponder upon also. Are we the ones which we think we are or the ones we project to others? 

Well! We keep on changing and evolving from time to time. The people in our life may also change as we move on. I feel the impressions we leave behind are the ones that remain as a version of you in people’s mind. If you change then maybe the impressions you form will also be changed.

Life is a game of 3 parts
In the first part, you wonder what people think about you
In the second part, you don’t care what people think about you
It is in the third and final part, you realize that people were never thinking about you anyway

So, the point is not to worry about how others create a version of you in their minds but to focus on how a newer version of you is evolving in your own mind. Inner peace begins from the moment you choose not to allow another person to control your emotions. Because ultimately it has to be you to decide your version and even if it takes more than a thousand versions of yourself to shed and reach the better one, it’s worth going for.

1 comment:


All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time play...