Sunday, 2 October 2016


Life is so full of care….
There is no time to stand and stare
Yes we are all busy and in a hurry. We have worries about our past, plans and expectations for the future. But may be somewhere in this process, we forget to actually live in the moment.
Life is all about living :P. Yes, this phrase is very true if we really mean it. If we are mindful about every little thing we do, then we can enjoy the life to the fullest. Many of us wait for the weekends or vacation time to relax and enjoy. But by being mindful, we can even enjoy the boring things that cannot be avoided in our day-to-day life.

We wake up every morning with hundreds of thoughts in mind; reaching the office on time, giving the best for the presentation, last day to pay the bills etc., and all this thinking happens while getting ready, having coffee, going through the news and having a quick breakfast.  Actually, planning for the day is a good thing. But losing the moment is not necessary.

Enjoy your coffee fully…take in the swaad of that aloo parata fully :D…listen to your favourite songs in the traffic to boost up your morning. All this may sound simple but trust me…these small things make your routine lively and interesting.

It’s not just about the chores, but also about different experiences. When you are at work, being mindful makes you more productive. When you are with your family or friends, being there fully gives a lot of joy. Doing things with a whole presence of mind, body and soul brings completeness and boosts your happiness. Life is a mixture of both ups and downs. Experience both of them fully. Because one day, when we look back, we will have many things to cherish.

So all that we have is the PRESENT MOMENT... Mindfulness is the secret of happiness. :)


All the world’s a stage, and all men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, and one man in his time play...