Is the CHANGE itself. What is that one thing which has been the same through all these years in the entire Universe? It’s nothing but the change. The only catalyst to this change is the ‘Time’.
Be it the big bang of this
universe to the evolution of life on Earth, be it a land on which a person like 'Lord Ram’ ruled in India to the present politics, be it the pigeon couriers to
the Mobile phones…everything changes with time. Nothing is constant, whether it
is good or bad.
There can be good or bad
consequences with the ‘CHANGE’. When humans evolved, Earth was healthy and
eco-life was balanced. Now, we humans have ‘DEVELOPED’ so much that we think it’s
good for the human race to invent many technologies and progress. But there is
also a parallel consequence of losing the ecological balance of Earth. It seems
good and bad is always balanced. For every good thing, I feel there is a
proportionate bad thing happening around. Or maybe everything is just a
perception?! and there is nothing called ‘good’ or ‘bad’?! Well…it’s kind of
complicated. To keep it simple, balance exists everywhere and in everything.
Like there is a law that mass can
never be created nor destroyed i.e. always balanced, I would say that good and
bad experiences in life are also always balanced. We start from our childhood,
then youth, middle-age and old age. In this process of changing the phases of
life, we experience so many emotions, situations, accidents, meetings and
partings. Like each and every event of life will be balanced with a
proportionate one, we can also see that nothing is constant except the ‘CHANGE’.
So, if you are right now in a
depressed state, don’t worry because this will not be the same throughout and
change will enter with time. Everything in life will be balanced with changing
events along with time. We can only cherish our memories, save our experiences,
and take further steps based on them for the future with a hope. So just don’t
worry about anything because at the end, everything will change for that right
balance in life.